Monday, September 22, 2008

Healthy Food Options

I have read many articles in the news paper that have people quoted saying that they have a hard time buying healthy food because it is so expensive. When I started buying food for myself and my husband I believed this to be true. It took a few years and some thought before I realized that being cheap and being healthy can go hand in hand. When I started buying food for my family, I went shopping with my mom to get the scoop on the good brands and what to avoid. She spends more money on food then I do but she makes a lot more money then I do, so this is understandable. I realized early on that my mom’s budget would not work for us so I had to rework things and substitute until I got to a reasonable amount. She buys things like whole wheat pasta, organic milk, and flavored water, healthy food that costs a little bit more. I was sure that by reworking things, I would have to settle for food that was not healthy, highly processed, and high in sodium. It does not have to be that way! You can have healthy food for your family and keep your budget in line.

I have learned that food gets expensive and bad for you when it is prepackaged, and made to be “convenience food”. The cheap prepackaged food is the worst for you. The best way to avoid all the junk they put in to this kind of food is simple: make it from scratch! You would be shocked at what they put in that shrimp scampi you are heating up or in that Hamburger Helper but if you just make it yourself, you have complete control over what goes in to the meal. Just to clarify, I am not talking about things like caned beans or frozen veggies. You don’t have to do everything from scratch to be healthy. Let’s take Hamburger Helper; the meal requires that you buy some hamburger, milk, butter and have some water on hand right? Well how about buying some egg noodles, hamburger, milk and butter and just adding some garlic powder, salt and pepper, and cheese? Chances are, you will have enough egg noodles to make another meal with them and you have spent the same or less money on a meal that is healthier for you. Another item that people often complain about is the price of juice. If you get the sugar water juice, it is cheaper then the 100% juice. Well that is an easy fix, don’t buy it! In Washington, water (yes from the tap) cost .001 cents a gallon. It is clean, tastes good, and is good for you. I realize that not everyone lives in a state with clean, good tasting tap water but if you do, take advantage of it. So, the lesson that I have learned is to make the food yourself and remember that there is often a simple, cheap, and healthy alternative to many food problems. Tune in next week when I answer the question “How do I find the time to make all of this cheap, healthy food?”

Friday, September 12, 2008

Warehouse shopping

Shopping at warehouse stores can be a great way to save money. It can also be a great way to spend a lot of money without really realizing it. You go in to one of those warehouse stores without a list or a clear plan and you will spend at least $50 more then you meant too. There are some great deals to be had and there are some not so great deals, just like any other store but it is easy to become overwhelmed. When I first went in to one of these stores to just “see what they have” and came out having spent about $100 for this little tiny pile of stuff I was shocked. The next time in went in, I vowed to do better. This time I got caught up in the frozen foods. You can really spend a bundle on frozen foods at those places. I said to myself “Wow that will keep in my freezer, my husband will love that in his lunch and so on.” So I came out and once again I have spent $100 on this tiny pile of food. Now keep in mind that I am just trying to feed two adults here, not an army. If you need to feed a large family, expect to spend some money at one of these places. It will save you money in the long run but, if like me at the time, you are feeding two adults and have to store all of this in a 500 sq. foot apartment, you should not need to spend more then $50 a month.

It took a long time to get a good system for warehouse shopping. First of all, not all of the food in those places is a deal. Compare with the normal grocery stores; don’t just assume that because you are getting 20 of the item, you are getting a deal. The warehouse stores don’t have the best sales either. The grocery stores beat them in that category. A good rule of thumb is that really basic items are almost always a good deal. Items like flour, sugar, peanut butter and such are cheaper in bulk. Look at what you use all the time that will not go bad before you can use it all. For me that is flour, sugar, granola bars, peanut butter, canned tomatoes, toilet paper and vitamins. Another good rule is to make a list and stick to it. It is way too easy to get side tracked. If you make a list then you can plan for how much you are going to spend. If you don’t, you will regret it. Don’t take your spouse along if (like mine) he or she will try to talk you in to buying things that are not on your list. Buying a 20 pack of ice cream bars was sooo not on my list. I go to Costco because I get a free membership through my mom. When you pay for a membership, you get a second one free to go to any family member over 18. If you can’t get this kind of deal, then try to find a Cash n Carry or other warehouse store that does not require a paid membership.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Store Near You

When I moved in with my future husband, I took over all of the grocery shopping. His idea of shopping was to get some Top Roman, Tuna Helper, pancake mix and some plastic wrapped cheese and call it good (although I have to say the man has a gift with pancakes). I love to cook and any cook knows that these few items are just not enough to make a decent meal with, so to the store I went. At the time we lived near a Safeway so that is where I started. It took me awhile to figure out how to buy all of the food I needed without spending a small fortune. At first I fell in to the trap of buying too many frozen items, and then I would not get enough food to last for two weeks or I would get to many “treats”. After awhile I got the hang of it but along the way I discovered that where you shop has a great deal to do with your ability to keep everything within the budget.

First, if possible shop at a store near you, and pick one store to do most of your shopping at. There are some cheap food stores that send me fliers every week but it is just not worth the gas to go so far out of my way. My favorite place to shop is Fred Meyers (no, I do not work for them and they are not paying me, I just really like the store). I love that they send me really good coupons every three months when I use my card. I realize that other stores have a card too but come on; everyone knows that they are just making you use the card so you don’t get ripped off. Those “deals” are not deals at all. I also hate when I forget my card and don’t know what number I gave them, and they charge me a load of money. Fred Meyer will give you the sale price with or with out the card. Then every three months I get a $5, $3, $1 coupon and random ones like $2 off any dairy items over three dollars. I have done my monthly shopping at many stores but I just can’t seem to find everything I need at the prices I need anywhere else. Of course this depends on what you are buying. I have some friends that swear that Safeway is cheaper but I have not found this to be true for myself.

Fred’s has everything. If you need to get groceries, motor oil, a pie plate and a tomato plant they’ve got it. The prices on non-food items are not as great as the food but they are not bad either. With the price of gas these days it’s worth not getting the few dollar difference to drive across town. I believe that Super Walmart or whatever it is called also it like this. We do not have a Walmart in my city so I don’t go there very often. Bottom line is to shop around the stores near you and find out which store meets your needs best. Just because you have always shopped there does not mean it has the best deals.


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