There were many good ideas that I came across and implemented in my vacation last October with my six month old. I think the best idea was to bring a sling or carrier with you. It was so nice not to have bring a big stroller or car seat to carry the baby in at the airport and when going sight seeing. We brought my homemade Moby sling. It is just a long piece of fabric so it was light weight and folded up fairly small. My son loves being carried in his sling above all else so it worked very well for us. He has a habit of losing his socks and slippers when we go places so when we were at the airport, he was in full footsie pjs. This way, there were no extra pieces to fall off and get lost.
We stayed with my grandma for the first half of the trip. She does not have any baby items at her house so we were worried that our baby might have to sleep in bed with us. He does not like to be touched when he is sleeping and wakes up if you even get up to go to the bathroom, so I really did not want to have to do that. Luckily my grandma lives in
We cloth diaper our son so we just brought the diapers with us. It was cheaper then buying a week and a halfs worth of paper diapers. We just washed them every three days like we do at home and kept the dirties in a trash bag near where he was changed. We were staying with relatives so this was easy to do. I did not bring any jarred baby food because it costs money and he was not eating much solids at the time. When we got to my grandma’s, I found a sweet potato in her fridge and just cooked it up and fed it to him. When we went to my sister in laws, I cooked up some carrots to feed him. It did not cost us a thing. Over all we had a very pleasant trip and can’t wait to go again next year.