Monday, August 22, 2011


A while ago I posted about how much I love my Diva Cup. Well, I have something else to add. I don't get cramps anymore. That's right, none. This has nothing to do with using the Diva Cup and everything to do with NOT using normal store bought pads and tampons. I don't even know when my period is coming. I used to get really bad cramps for the first two days of my cycle. I would always know when I was going to get it. Now I don't and I have some personal, very non-scientific evidence as to why that is.

I started getting my period at the age of 10. The first time I got it, I had no cramping and after that I always had pretty bad cramping for the first two days. I had to take Advil every 6 hours for two days. Fast forward to my first child. I discovered the Diva Cup when he was a few months old and it took a while to get the hang of it so I always used a pad with it until the last two months or so. I only used it alone for a couple of months, then I got pregnant with my daughter and did not have to worry about periods for a while. After I had her, I used pads for a few months until I decided to go back to the Diva Cup. While using pads I had my normal cramping. After three months of using ONLY the Diva Cup, I stopped getting cramps.

At first I thought this was a fluke. Just a one month thing, then it happened again and again and I remembered that many of the women that reviewed it on Amazon, said that they had no or less cramping then before. That was not proof enough for me though. I started taking an exercising class that required me to where a pad for um "leaks" (women who have had children know what I mean). I used normal brand name pads. That month I got cramps. Really bad ones. I went out and bought the natural organic pads and threw away the others. This month, no cramps, not one. To be honest, this pisses me off. So for years I had really painful bad cramps and they were caused by my PADS??? As I said before, this is in no way scientific, just my own experience. And I grantee there will never be any research put toward this idea. Who would pay for it? But I will say that my daughter will never use "normal" pads or tampons. I will pay the extra money for the natural ones for her.

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