Monday, October 8, 2012

Learning Spanish on my own 2

I took Spanish about 5 years ago in college and was very surprised at how little I knew by the end of two courses.  So this time around I am not eager to get back in to a classroom.  I started by going to the library.  I picked up a starter Pimsuler set with 10 lessons on CD and some books meant to help children with their Spanish.  After just 5 of the CDs I felt like I had already re-learned everything I learned in those classes.  I was pretty impressed.  I don't memorize easily so anything that could get me to remember something was worth looking in to.  I found the entire Pimsuler Spanish set lesson 1-90 on Ebay for $100 on a memory book chip.  I jumped and took a chance buying them.  It takes me about 3 days to finish a lesson and I couple that with reading Spanish children's books, listening to music in Spanish and watching tv shows and movies in Spanish.  I also make flash cards of animal, body, food, house, and any other words I might want to say to my kids with the Anki app I have on my phone.  It have been about a month now and I must say I have come a long way.  The Pimsuler is really working well for me.  All of the words I have learned are words I can use when speaking to the kids and words that I here all the time on tv.  I am only on lession 17 and already can keep up with some tv shows.  I don't know everything that is said but I catch enough to understand what is going on.  I feel like the shows are a puzzle that is becoming clearer with each lesson I go through.     

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