Sunday, August 30, 2009


So I found out that we are expecting another baby. I am two months pregnant as of now. It was a huge surprise for the whole family. I really wanted another child but my husband was sure he only wanted one so I was hoping that if we waited a few years he might change his mind. So I guess that our minds were made up for us. This will be our last child. My husband is getting fixed after this baby is born. I am looking forward to having another baby although I have misgivings about having it so close in age to my son. They will be two years apart and I was really hoping for more like a three year gap. Right when my son starts to say no and have full blown tantrums, I will have a newborn. Sounds like fun right?

This time around I have health insurance which is really wonderful. It is such a load off to not have to worry about every test so much and what it cost. I know what everything cost ahead of time. I have picked out a wonderful midwife and will be doing another homebirth. I really enjoyed having my son at home and can't wait to do it again. I will be using Hypnobabies again too. I have so much to do to get ready for this baby but this time it all centers around my son. I have to get him potty trained before the new baby comes. I don't want to do cloth diapers for two children at the same time. I have to get him a big boy bed and get him to sleep in it. Those two things loom large in my head as huge undertakings that I am not looking forward to. I am sure that they will give me lots to write about though!

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